Think partnership
Create Business Interaction & Synergy

GK is a global innovation consultancy specialized in Advanced Mobile Services Design, Development and Distribution. 

Ana Toma,
Independent consultant mobile ecosystems, former Ecosystem Developer Manager at Nokia Romania
Independent consultant mobile ecosystems, former Ecosystem Developer Manager at Nokia Romania
Our value proposition includes a 360 degrees approach covering:
Anticipate and ensure an optimised product & services position in the digital world.Read more -
Scalability & flexibility in the development with a dedicated infrastructure, is the way GK can ensure your product & services future distribution.Read more -
Optimised online distribution is ensuring having the right synergy between actors. Partnerships & social media interaction are some key aspects of how GK can help your products and services to reach new segmented audiences & markets.Read more -
Increasing user engagement and Business Value Chain position for your products and services are the ultimate goals of GK for any partner & customer we work with.Read more